Customisable Headboard
Customisable Headboard

Free Delivery only in The Netherlands
3.343 kr
3.343 kr

Estimated Delivery 3-4 weeks if you order now

Free Delivery only in The Netherlands and Belgium

Handmade in the Netherlands

Hotel Quality, 10 years guarantee

You make an impact! €1 per order goes to EnClasse Foundation; improving eduction in Africa
Product description

Product description
The PETIT PUK Headboards come in different sizes & shapes. Just tick the boxes and choose.
Plain, cushioned, quilted, rounded with trim, round duo-color or soft edges.
Our fabrics, 3 types to choose from, are durable and yet soft to the touch: Velvet, woolvet (mix of wool & velvet) and brushed velvet (for that vintage look). Please see images to detect your favorite fabric + color. Not a risk-taker and needing a sample? Drop us an email and we will get to it! Also if you are looking into a different dimension for your headboard.
Planning to bring your own fabric in the mix? No problem, PETIT PUK has has got you covered. You provide the fabric, we make your headboard!
Product details

Product details

You have 14 days from receipt of the products to exercise your right of withdrawal, without having to justify reasons or pay penalties, with the exception of the cost of returning the products concerned. The return being at your expense. The rates for returns are listed in our General Conditions of Sale Article:
Only products returned as a whole, intact, and in perfect condition for resale will be taken back. Any product that has been damaged or used will not be accepted as a return or exchanged.
In the event of a dispute over the withdrawal procedure, you will be asked to provide proof of the written notification you sent to us, informing of your decision to withdraw from the contract.
In the event of your withdrawal from this contract, we will reimburse you for all payments received from you without undue delay and, in any event, no later than 14 days from the day we are informed of your decision to withdraw from the contract. We will process the refund using the same payment method you used for the initial transaction, unless you expressly agree to a different method; in any event, this reimbursement will not incur costs for you. We may withhold reimbursement until we have received the goods or until you have provided proof of shipment of the goods, whichever is the earliest.

Custom fabric & color
If you want to have your own fabric, no problem! At PETIT PUK we can also fit the boxspring with your custom fabric. Please note that you can only use fabrics suited for furniture. (Fake) leather is not suited for boxspring beds. See details for measurement below:
- boxspring 120x200cm including headboard: 10m fabric
- boxspring 140x200cm including headboard: 12m fabric
- boxspring 160x200cm including headboard: 14m fabric
- only headboard 120cm: 3m fabric
- only headboard 140cm: 3m fabric
- only headboard 160cm: 4m fabric
- only headboard 180cm: 4m fabric
Please leave in the comment your wishes and we will contact you on further details. Also note that delivery time will change due to delivery of your own fabric. If you only want your headboard in your own facric, please visit our headboard products.